so if yolook at the world as a whole while we were expanding, there was very ready availability of goodsen inflation rises in one country those citizens have the option of buying from abroad. there was a lot of emphasis on expenditure restraint. and that was particularly strong during the 1990s. there was a great debate at the beginning of the clinton administration about how to deal with what was perceived as a relatively small recession, but nonetheless a recession, what to do. there were those who wanted to spend their way out and others said no let's have budgetary restraint. that will be better for the economy, that will keep interest rates down, it will tend to restrain inflationary pressures and, in the long run we'll be better off. and that was i think fortunately, the approach that was adopted. and lo and behold, the economy did so well that we got some productivity increases, that revenues increased faster than expected budget expenditures were held down and for the first time in decades we had budgetary surpluses. schoumacher: there was no inflation when it came to goods and s