this is yongwen. marco is a great leader and i'm so happy your office recognized our team's work, but a special needs to mention we are under marco's leadership and there is a lot of complicated situations and he's helping us to make the right decisions and communicate with all parties involved and i want to thank him for his leadership too. >> director: thank you, yongwen. well, thank you, commissioners, and marco, and rick and carol for allowing the department to take this time as part of your meeting to recognize city employees who are providing great service to your department and helping our efficiency and reporting our ability to be able to report and deliver services to our small businesses and so thank you and if there is any comments or anything that any commissioners want to share, you may do so. otherwise, this will open it up for public comment. >> president laguana: i'll just add all my thoughts. thank you for all your hard work and keeping the wheels spinning. there's certainly been an a