if we can't trust the actor lady who sells yoni rocks and va-jay-jay steamers for medical advice, whoto jam up my orifices. i guess draper james sells sunglasses, but why would i jam claiming you caniefes with dubi" and sugar-free kombucha and kimchi," and "intuitive fasting." and if you're wondering what "intuitive fasting" means, think of it as "consciously uncoupling" from nutrients. quarantine-while, in meat news, authorities seized nearly 300 pounds of contraband bologna at the southern border. no word on the identity of the bologna cartel's leader. so far, all they know is he does have a first name, and it's "o-s-c-a-r." now, it's illegal to bring foreign bologna into the u.s., in part, due to the risk of transmitting foreign diseases. because if there's one thing people who eat bologna are known for, it's being health conscious. now, longtime viewers of the "quarantine-while" super-segment "meanwhile" might be experiencing a strong sense of deja vu, because in november of 2019, i noted a similar story: meanwhile, in meat news, customs and border protection seized 154 pounds of