yonk. ms. corn, you testified that the addition of indian lands to the pilt program is a current issue of debate but my question is, how the addition of these lands will affect the decision to continue their five-year mandatory authorization in the future? and how will this addition affect local communities ability to earn revenue from these lands and become less reliant on pilt funding? >> congressman, this was an issue that was brought up extensively in 1994 in the hearings that were held in the senate. the biggest difficulty that i recall was that defining indian land all by itself was a monumental task. there were multiple categories, preservation lance, trust lands that may or may not be on a reservation allotment, land holdings that were once owned by other entities in the prior so it was practically impossible they felt that the time to determine exactly -- that was the big stumbling block. in some counties,, i don't recall where, but in some counties the holdings by let's say a federall