[solorio speaking spanish] yoram cohen: the challenge in small communities is that they're not able to actually run their ownem sy you know, they can't afford, you know, to have an operator ould be there. and this is where varioustoriesd types of tests on mobile units for water treatment and desalination, water quality analysis, on. and this is primarily in preparation for n ofys larger scale des systems that are then field loyable. this is water, not champagne. wethl, we're looking at control interface for the plant that is running at panoche. chris linneman: we're in the panoche drainage district off of russell avenue here, los banos, at one of the pilot treatment test sites for treating subsurface drain water. this partular project houses a project for the university of california, los angeles. and they're testing severalg processes involv reverse osmosis. if you had a series where in an area like this, in the central valley, where you have lots of small communities that are spread out over a largerea and you could put a small plant like this, a package plant--there's a poal there f