. >> reporter: yoshiki and -- are in their late 70s. tsunami in 2011 forced them into a crowded emergency shelter, set up in a damaged school. y sochld -- yoshiki suffers from a chronic condition that left his bedridden. after they moved into the new shelter, his condition improved rapidly. in a couple of months he was able to walk again unaided. >> translator: i was able to walk further and further every day. that made me very happy. >> reporter: one of ishii's goals is to train more disaster relief nurses. she keeps reminding them of her key point, the need to think for themselves. >> translator: in a disaster, everything is case work. that means you must constantly think and react. if you don't do, that you won't be effective. >> reporter: as an example she introduces a case she witnessed after the indian ocean tsunami. a patient had his wound dressed by a nurse. normally this treatment would be perfectly adequate but this patient lived in an area where the roads were still flooded and muddy. the dressing would get filthy and the wou