are you casting a yossarian? yes, captain yossarian confessed. i am captain yossarian at the 256 quadrant. i didn't know there were any other cat 10 yossarian spirit is so far as i know i'm the only cap in yossarian as i know. but that's only as far as i know. i see the chaplain that unhappily. that's two to the fighting needs power yossarian point that if you think about writing a poem about her squadron. no mumbled the chaplain. i'm not thinking about writing a symbolic poem about her squadron. yossarian straighten sharply when he spied the tiny silver cross on the other side of the chaplain's collar. he was thoroughly astonished. never really talked to the before. your chaplain he explained ecstatically. i didn't know you were chaplain. well, yes the chaplain answered. did you know if the chaplain? while now, i did know your chaplain. yossarian stared at it with a fascinating grin. i've never really seen the chaplain the floor. the chaplain flashed again and gazed down at his hands. he was a slight man about 32 with 10 hair and round to sit in