they're unsurprisingly friend's of yotam.hey grow and raise much of what's used in their kitchen. their food reflects both their different backgrounds and their commonalities. >> yotam: we're going to spoil you now. >> anthony: yeah, here we go. >> anthony: so you grew up in this town? >> jakob: yes, in this village. >> anthony: where did you grow up? >> jakob: michal atanya, near the beach. >> anthony: near the beach. not, not the neighborhood. >> jakob: but we met in the neighborhood. in <>. and we were together in hotel. >> anthony: how did that go down with the families? >> jakob: wonderful now. now, wonderful. >> anthony: now good. >> jakob: yes. very good. >> anthony: at the beginning not so much. >> jakob: started it yes, with the questions versus the answers, and start to understand that we love each other, and they can do nothing. so we continue. and they support us. >> yotam: this is your special fried eggs, sunny side up. >> anthony: farm eggs with peppers from your garden, tomato. that looks awe