. >> reerport: isit rtimpoant fo r u yoto t gecynthia back home >>yes, it is. >>or repte r:for meso oppele, a stark rey alitlies past the chp adblocks. >> iist gone and completely lele d. >> repr:orte e thfire destroyed hohis me by s hithfaer. >> mythfaer has passed. >> what are those roocadblks pr evtienng you fromin dog? >>they are keeping me from ingettg mypets. rorepter: bob issleeping ouidtse of his car ready to returne homwi thdale and cynthia sed curea omro for the wed.eken >> strowing ndars e expected wthiseendke mangki the dictreion of the fire unpredictable. >>> and butte county the dixie fire has suppressed 00700,0 acres. mandatevory aconuatis e arin ef afectft erthe wind shteifd e flames stla night. it has destroyed remo than 0 60 hos meand 100 businesses. stckru and the stderuivcte etcach fe iris 45% conentaid. torched about 80 acres. a discovinery the ru bbleof that fire gois ing to warm your heart. wo rks erwere scouria ng rdbi fid elwhen they unfod the g do theyt fels wadead at t.firs the dog liedft its he adand started wagging its ilta. he was