well, this was the jail, and if and youade out of adobe had some sort of instrument like a spoon or a fork, you could dig yourself out of jail. but if the jail was made of stone, you would stay put. this looks like it had two rooms, to sell areas. it was also a second story here and the was a courtroom in the second story. one thing we know about the soldiers who served here is that they work frequently in trouble. a nearby community, they liked to visit the women in the community, they got drunk, probably in and so an average month there might have been seven or eight soldiers who had run afoul of some sort of rule, and they might end up in this probably pretty secure jail. this is what is called the sally port, and this is the formal entrance into the fort. so anyone who had business with and of course the soldiers when they were coming and going would typically use this area. again, this is the only area that was two stories. [footsteps] this building that you don't see was the post commissary and the storeroom. this was actually a very significant place. the commissary would take