. -- youcome goes up and move from nine dollars an hour to $13 an hour, you have less money in your pocket. moving up the minimum wage is very important. the people who request social services -- we should support the minimum wage. so that work actually pays. when you get a minimum wage increase, you actually end up with more money in your pocket. that will be our objective. giving people the ability to take care of themselves and their families. richardson?ative it's important to know that oregon is the second highest in the country and its index with inflation, something the other states don't have. minimum wage is supposed to be an entry wage. we should not be looking at how we are going to be able to raise the minimum wage. but we need are more jobs. that requires us to focus on those barriers that prevent us from having good jobs in oregon. expand ourus to christmas the product because when there is greater demand for our products and services, that creates more desire for those products and create jobs. -- expand our gross domestic product. just growing the economy doesn't help peopl