everereen toa a beacwhenen tre's a ripdde a youou tink yoyo can fighwateter,ou w willearn tht t youillll le thatatattle. wagger: with climate adaptati plan, ou have wet systemnd a dryystem, s wheyou neeto liftater ou you cado thatbut when u u need tlelet thwater in you calelet thwateter throu that syemem inttheese canals a c circute it arnd the city. wiiaiams: memeansome p pple might wa p pastere e an thinknk h, yeah. it'jujust orgrorown grass." no. it's lolow-lng ararea at h hasertainin vegetatn n in ithatat ithe perft t vegetionon wn youu nt watetoto absb anand able to dissatate at more gradl l ratei memeanit doeoe't look lika a lot nanatal scienc b but tre''a l lot of natalal scice t thagoes i into .. waggone c costsess s toave green inasastrucre b becse this low-maienance. ths isis aodel of part o othe city as theaiain drnagege bin. you haven n underounund stem,, the white nenes unr ththe earthththe id wasas tget thth water intththese pes,s, tget atat wat to o the pumpmpand push it outththat w thehe ththod. willia: : trutof t theatterr , there no way s solveur water iueues wi jusust r pumpsndnd tur