youlecture us about treaty violations? sopek: put down your weapons! shran: i know b bter than to lower my guard around vulcans. archer: look, we're all on let't'get her to the ship. she's no longer your responsibility. we'll treat her on theni'var. she's stillmyscience officer. is the pod close? yes, sir. let's go. how is she? her injuries were quite extensive. will she live? i wish i could say. i know how you must feel. she saved my life once, too. she can be a real pain in the ass. stubborn... arrogant... sometimes she makes me angry enough i want to shove her out an airlock. i can understand why the high command's upset. but it took a lot of courage to step in front of that plasma bullet. nothing can exexse what she did at the sanctuary. i'm not asking for anyone to pin a meded on her. all i'm asking is that she be given a second chance. if a respected vulcan captain went before the high command and made a plea on t'pol's behalf-- told them how she saved the life of a superior officer wouldn't they think twice about this transfer? i can't return wi