we were in the young communist league. yes we were indeed in the young communist league we were an entirely lost generation. some of our grandparents were religious but our periods were almost entirely. i was in exactly the same situation as the rest of my peers i knew or thought i would be a priest one day. when i went to college i was an atheist member of the young communist league. and then it just dawned on me one day that all the people i respected everybody i wanted to follow in my life were actually religious people but. tolstoy pushkin newton compelling because. shakespeare in many many others. even copernicus so yes copernicus was a priest you know but that's a different story so what toaster was excommunicated from the church he was not. yes he was some say that he was not really excommunicated. i don't know anything about english would be like me arguing with you about articles in english all right that's the way he was excommunicated but the point is he was a believe as was copernicus and the people had no respe