i would say that just to reiterate what sergeant youngblood was saying, that report is coming out in the next few weeks. i would imagine that at the next quarterly report of this, you would have something specifically and concretely to look at and evaluate from that programme and i hope that's what we stay focused on, not to throw this out the window because we have something with numbers here and a lot of the parties are at the table. but obviously, i think, the goal is defining something that has a higher or at all a predictive value. >> commissioner dejesus. >> this is complicate and part of this, we need to understand, this is to try to predict at-risk behaviour and to try to predict offices h that might get in trouble down the road. there's to science to this, but, for example, one of the things i learned at the presentation. you have an officer who has a batteries, resisting arrest, use of force, civil suit, you are getting those kind of ca categories, those are the kind i look at and look behind the scene to what that type of behaviour is. versus if you have somebody late to w