so, younow, so if you're pessimistic, see? well, look, here's the here's a in the gloom, here's a bright spot, here's something that we can learn from. how did they do it? could we do it here? because that's where change comes from, is seeing that it's possible, you know, and not being so afraid of it and then trying something even if it's small and letting it letting burble out from there. yeah. i mean, i when you know you're a reporter, you decide to dive really deep a problem. you can come away with two responses. sometimes you away with this deep pessimism and this like deep understand ing of just how hard changes and how it's almost certain that things are going to continue to be the same way. and i think like a second response, you can sometimes have is, you know, a sense of optimism, ism to not just hope, but i think and optimism that things can and might actually get better which it sounds like you had more of the latter response after finishing the book. yeah absolutely very optimistic. i'm very hopeful. and a lot of