. >> all youren in padres will pay indirectly. don't forget four years from n that cadillac health care plan tax goes into effect. it's a 40% excise tax on very generous health care plan. so that will change the health insurance f a lot of americ. >> remember the president said the old way is horrible. he's right. but this is the old way times 5 million. this is literally the same stupid system of subsies and rationing and insurance companies being in bed with the government and having to deal with mandates and ta. >> is that much larger? >> so it's even going to be worse. >> to th latest story. i was in the back of the cab. i was not talking to the cab drive i was alone and there was a man driving the cab and he had his health insurance company on speaker phone on hold and he started randomly ranting to me, a foreign-born gentleman immigrated to the u.s. he said i'm trying took law abideing person in this country and buy my health insurance. he says i am paying so much more before i was buying my insurance through these exchanges