we are not reading yourimessage. if the government late a subpoena on us to get yourimessages, we cannot provide. it is encrypted. the door is closed. our business, charlie, is based on selling these. our business is not based on having information about you. you are not our product. our products are these. this watch and macs and so forth. we run a very different company. i think everyone has to ask, how do companies make their money? follow the money. if they are making money mainly by collecting gobs of personal data, i think you are right to be worried and you should really understand what is happening to that data and the companies i think should be very transparent about it. from our point of view, you can see what we are doing on the credit card thing. we do not want it. we are not in that business. i am offended by lots of it. i think people have a right to privacy. i think that is going to be a very key topic over the next year or so. we will reach higher and higher levels of urgency as more and more inciden