people point to, when youthink, may, june last year. and you think about distorting interest rates to such an extreme level. you were creating a problem everybody knew would manifest itself. markets are now equilibrium. the long end of the interest rate curve more in equilibrium. you n invest in confidence, knowing you are not distorted in the long end of the curkur curr given. >> watching the ten year note. and the yield. everybody thought this would be the year it started marching straight up. it has done anything but that. >> yeah, think. go become to january. think what happened. why our yields are wait they are. you had duress in the emerging markets. you have had slower u.s. growth. some of it is weather for sure. slower, you have slower growth in china. you have had a confluence of events that have created some concern. think what happened. 25 basis points. and rates would be drifting higher. we thing, after you get out of k from weather and other influences, growth will be better. drifting up again. i think you are reaching a po