, he is going to jail, and holly hughes says 75 years, and i know it is 20 year s to run con vek youtively, but because of the additional time because of the firing a weapon, he could be also retried. and thank you for warning me, benjamin crump, because i did forget i was on tv. >> and for the family of trayvon and jordan davis, extend your prays and wishes and don, we have to keep talking about the tough issue, because it does matter when we talk about this, tough issue of race, and it matters, and because hopefully, the next person who has somebody playing the loud music, they are not going to say i'm going the take the law into my own hands, because if you do, we have to as a society say, we are going to hold you accountable whether that child is plaque, white, -- that child is black, white, hispanic, you cannot kill another person. >> absolutely. >> thank you. >> and ashleigh banfield, the host of "legal view" noon ea eastern on cnn, and you have been paying close at the tension to this, and following it, and what do you think of the verdict, ashleigh? >> well, i'm not surprised actua