. >>> before youwim out to an island in a lake, you better be a good swimmer, otherwise you're goingo get a ride home in a helicopter. >> there's a guy just of the shore of that small island. witnesses say they saw him swimming out to the lake and suddenly start screaming for help. helicopters are hovering and they soon drop down a rescue diver. >> at least he's in shallow right now. because if he was deeper in the lake, he'd be in trouble. >> i don't really know why he needs to be airlifted from his situation. if you swam out, take a rest, swim back. but they took his cries for help seriously. >> someone could have taken a little canoe or something. right? >> it's for this man's safety. if the rescue guy ever goes down, they harness him up, get him all secured, hoist the line and there he goes. >> doesn't look like a really far distance. it looks make a hundred yards. >> who knows. we weren't there. we don't know the situation. he needed help, he got it. maybe he just wanted a helicopter ride. >> you can pay for that when you're not half naked and wet and probably cold. >> i'm glad