overstreet supports yovaso to try and prevent others from being involved in a car crash. on monday, they launched their mission possible campaign. its goal is to spread the word at schools that speeding and not wearing a seatbelt could lead to deadly consequences. "we try to get a lot of real life stories, so the teens do see like wow, this could happen to me. cause a lot of teens to me'." of the 67 teenagers killed in car crashes in 2014, almost half were unrestrained. "they're young and they don't realize risks and that's what we're here to do, to help them to see that. " casey taylor is the program coordinator campaign is a peer- to-peer program. "sometimes it doesn't always take us, sometime it takes their teammate on the basketball team to tell them, you really shouldn't be going that fast." the campaign runs through the beginning of march. plenty of time for overstreet and others to make sure more teens buckle up and take it slow. "it really, i think it does hit teens and i think when they see the reality of this then it really does hit home for them." khiree stewar