yuki tatsu me co-director of the east asia program at the stimson center think tank welcome to you all if i could start with you key then other metrics china is using to measure extreme poverty the most accurate. i think that is really the fundamental question and depending on how you answer that question will determine how do we really celebrate chinese success or do we still in the i was still continue to be india wait and see mode especially until chinese government comes out with a more sustainable plan to create upper income middle class how do you measure it then you can i think i would still go but i will thank them both and by then. that is what i would use and then i think are compared to that standard that set by the world bank i think i check yes i think i do it with some critics that that that suggests that that perhaps the chinese government's definition of the should quality is lower than the a global standard or i could see i know shaking his head i think it was in disagreement all of that i mean the come in and tell us what is wrong with the world bank standards of $1.9