i am joined by yuki tatsumi. e's a senior analyst on u.s.- japanese relations at the stimson center, a non-profit, non-partisan international research group. she was just in tokyo last week. yuki, welcome. what are the observable effects of that earthquake in japan two years later? >> the answer depends on where you live, frankly. if you live in the disaster-hit area, if you know anybody who were affected by the disaster, the disaster is still very much with you everyday. people worried about radiation not only in their soil and the air but also in the produce that they buy in grocery stores but the further you move away from the affected area you feel much, much less impact. >> suarez: well, you were just in tokyo. there is there a conscious feeling of still trying to cope with this disaster and rebuild the country? >> yes and no, actually. on the day of the earthquake anniversary there were memorial service everywhere, including tokyo. there was actually a big memorial service in tokyo where prime minister and e