former cabinet secretary yukio edano said he found out about the system in a media report several days after the disaster. at the time the plant's number two reactor was spewing radioactive materials. edano said bureaucrats told him later that they decided not to inform him about speedi because its calculations were not credible. they cited lack of precise data on radiation. the panel charges in the report that speedi was used as a tool to assure local residents about d to obtain their consent to build the plant. the report also says the system should have been used more effectively to reduce residents' exposure to radiation as much as possible. the panel's report confirms they were preparing for the worst in the wake of the accident. it said cabinet members considered evacuating tokyo. nhk obtained the details of the report in advance. the panel interviewed 300 people including japanese and u.s. government officials. the document says the director of fukushima daiichi informed the government three days after the accident that cooling system failures could cause a meltdown of nuclear f