the director general of the international atomic energy agency yukiya amano made the statement in a report dated friday. it says the iaea confirmed that satellite photos show signs of operations at a radiochemical lab in nyongbyon from the beginning of this year through early july. the agency says the signs include deliveries of chemical tanks and operation of a steam plant linked to the lab. south korea's defense ministry said last week the north has been reprocessing spent nuclear fuel to extract plutonium. it said south korea will work closely with other countries on a response. the iaea has already pointed out signs of the north's reprocessing and plans to discuss how to respond to the activity at its annual general conference next month. >>> south korean media say pyongyang's military has laid land mines in the demilitarized zone. the court of arbitration for sport has upheld the ban on russian athletes over state sponsors doping. medvedev calls the ruling shameless. people in moscow reacted with anger and sadness. >> translator: it's all politics, one of your paralympic swimmers said