playing against you sidek bar yuldashev 42 years old, the city of dushanbek, the bar dreams of visiting moscow and money. i would like to invest in this long-awaited trip. yes, whose organize a look? what question has the sidekbar prepared for you all the attention on the screen? what , according to the english tradition, should the bride do on her wedding day, so that the marriage would be a happy time? hit the bridegroom no? ah! so you think, yes, the marriage will be happy right away, damn it, it definitely won’t be worse. no with food. it is connected with england. uh, well, flax. no. no, brew no, strong no, something to eat, no to do with yourself, something she must say so. it has to be new stuff. no shave, analis no notebook with ex, yes to do with your hair. something no with the appearance of something to do a hint to wash about kiss. cool. yes no badly associated with a kiss, yes, a kiss kiss yourself, you are not, no, someone from relatives is not from relatives. i am a poor live animal answers. no kissing someone but not the husband. yes, i don’t have a prince-in-law. no no