yes, not just some boards, we have to go through the feeling through the emotions for yulia anatskayae first such personal creative challenge was in 1915 the result of the flight of creative thought, then the largest sculpture in the country, the museum in khatyn, became a new reading of the terrible events of the war. i am a historian by my first education, and i myself really want to do something modern, interesting, interactive , inducing a feeling of emotions of visitors to zhirnov, in the field of fiction museums, they spin the one who enters their history and with every step with every hall, the dramaturgy grows and you don’t understand, if already at the beginning you catch yourself thinking that the godfather in the throat and the cold on the back is what will be the climax, each room - this can be said as a separate story, an unusual and interesting idea, which is not so easy to bring to life and not immediately. we could even come to this let's say the first time. well, in the end we got a beautiful product and a very interesting experience. never worked with these again. an