is leading to renewed scrutiny of the country's need industry the country's food minister yulia clark now has a match with the meat industry officials to discuss the future of livestock farming she said she wants higher prices for meat to improve conditions for workers and for animals the meeting follows a corona virus outbreak at a neat plant in the city of which led officials to reimpose local lockdowns. meanwhile health officials in glitters low are trying to figure out why the virus was able to spread so rapidly at the chinese need to plant. the meat cutting section attorneys is the center of the outbreak 2 thirds of the workers here have tested positive but why did the virus spread like wildfire here scientists suspect it could be related to the cooling and circulation system in the plant. nish but what we didn't know before is that under these circumstances the research. can keep aerosols moving. does that's a risk factor we weren't aware of hung it was enough these equal for just. as an air conditioning technician in the city the world according to german rule all workplaces ne