time, we have time, i remind you, yes, i’ll let you in, i’ll let you in, that’s right, this is yulia nesterenkowho is absolutely correct, this is barthez and laurent blanc and the famous, famous ritual with the bald kiss, which brought the french national team victory, after which everyone tried to kiss, even the president of france. let's continue, the next question: so this is vika azarenka, who does she jump with, she can jump with herself, because this. england-italy football euro 2020 which then scattered into memes all over the internet, we can still skip it or, well, i won’t miss it, just in case, i’ll skip it, we’ll skip it, this is george chielini, the next question, the time of our period has come to an end, but we can finish this question, so well this is not the easiest question, but i got caught. it's white and blue, it means manchester city, it seems to me that the coach is guardio, let's do it, the thinking is correct, the answer is wrong, but the thinking is correct, i'll give you another opportunity, who else could be in manchester city with such a cup, uh, de brun, well i can’