servant, as they say, so we drew it there with the artist, the name of the logo was invented by yulian semyonovichre pilot number was made by just four people, as i remember, dmitry likhanov, my colleague and long-time friend. sasha pleshkov, and, of course, yulian semenovich semenov himself, who rolled out a bunch some materials that, i believe, were leaked to him by friends from the special services, and things went well, that is, returning to how i used my official position. so, the newspaper was printed in moscow, but since it was printed on such a special coated paper, which could be like a matrix, there were no computers, then... the newspapers were printed from a matrix, this is important to understand, i was then invited to convene in the very a popular program at that time, the transmission of the view of the youth editorial staff of central television, it had in a huge audience, was published once a week, i hosted several episodes at the invitation of my co-hosts with them, in each of these issues i, in the finale of the trias gazeze, there was no advertising at all on... airtime did not