yes, andrey yulyevich, sandro georgievich has a problem here, we need to solve it as soon as possibleappened? they damaged the car, painted it all over, what are you talking about, here's a statement about damage to property, come on, figure it out and don't drag it out, right now the car is where it is, it's here, i arrived in it, well, let's go and have a look, come on, sandra, my dear. it's original, the car is new, it was, not a fly had time to shit on it, it was delivered to me to order, i sympathize. i have problems with my car too, i compared it, do you even know how much mine is? what, and you get yourself a new car, don't even bother with this one, it's such a neighborhood, we call it a backwater, but i understand you, i think. there is probably a gunshot wound to the head, death occurred about 2 hours ago, shot in the back of the head, passports with you, yeah, stay a little longer, okay. vasya, what's wrong, it's a hard day, connection, connection, we're coming, you have 2 minutes. hello, dash, grisha, you, yes, me, it's me, give me my mobile for a couple of minutes, i miss