need you to write such a post explaining what is happening and asking to support ukraine through yunaytzifovis immediately caused such a reaction because there is compliance uh, there are lawyers, uh, every star has his own agent, who, well, that's all you said, you're recruiting for the army and lost consciousness, you 're killing people, and we know the point is, maybe you're not aware, but we were attacked and we as if we are protecting our country because of course we are collecting for defense and demining ukraine is one of the most mined countries in the world right now yes of course we have such a direction but if you don't want to become a sidor in the medical field become a sidor there for the reconstruction of ukraine don't touch these three separate accounts in the national bank of ukraine, which never intersect with each other, and delot will confirm to you that these funds were used only in this way , oh no, no, no, and there was another very important such moment, because there is no such thing in the world examples of state fundraising platforms, i.e. no one knew how to approa