yunnan gleitzman confirms that little has changed about the design and he agrees that the school is dubious of the electromechanical steering is pleasantest he sure many drivers will appreciate the lane keeping assist and the park assist and would be prompted to make the trade for the extra driving convenience. the transporter has been up to get under the hood is well the new engine lineup includes a two liter turbo diesel with output ranging from sixty six to one hundred forty six kilowatts. thomas said ron adds that v.w. and their partner opt have developed a battery electric drive with ranges between two hundred and four hundred kilometers he sees this as a great option for inner city delivery driving. the question remains was this a substantial improvement or just minor changes to the old transporter. then his paper money first impression of the new six point one was essentially the same as it was with the t six and five also because he saw hardly any changes to the design but he was quite happy to see the new modular infotainment matrix installed in the six point one that brings the tr