uh, girls today, the president of the country, yunu seok yul, has ordered the creation of a special investigation team to investigate. e specific reasons for this tragedy, the government is also going to develop some kind of comprehensive measures are aimed at preventing the recurrence of similar disasters in the future. well it was, uh, the first halloween celebration since south korea lifted all covid restrictions the day before on social media. uh, there were numerous flash mobs with an appeal. uh, to young people come as celebrate this event, that is, they were some kind of disparate groups of separate clubs. sorry individual clubs. some network communities did not have a common organizer, so there was no one to report assume to the police authorities that mass events are planned. well, as a result, on itwon. this is the name of this quarter with entertainment establishments. about 100,000 people gathered. this is about 10 times more than in time. uh, the most massive festivities in itself. this out represents . uh somewhat narrow, very narrow, alleyways and cul-de-sacs with many uh small uh