such thing as a director being sane unconsciously by accident, everything is conscious, as yuri borisevich narshtinut still leave this failure or change this conscious decision, all the same, of course, here it, here it is, yes, how will he eat it, well , it’s a pity how he eats, how he doesn’t try to breathe, i spent so much time in a spacesuit, i’m crazy, and how much maximum time can be in a spacesuit depends on the spacesuit, this more like a spacesuit we're going out into outer space, but i went out and this is a record, well, it’s still 8 hours, i think 13 minutes, wow, this is in outer space, we’ll add an hour there, well, somewhere around 10 hours, sorry, it’s in diapers, in principle, we put them on, but we don’t walk, 10 hours is enough, you can be patient and... somehow, by the way, there was no such thought, well, i don’t know, everything was fine, the spacesuit in which we are in the spaceship, but it’s already there with food, with airflow, you can sit there longer, yes, but still i definitely couldn’t stand it for a day without opening it much, but why? the spacesuit in the spacecraf