yuri kochi llama herself wrote to 15,000 nisei soldiers by herself and the crusaders continued throughout the war and the servicemen were very enthusiastic and appreciative and found them a little money to help them out so eventually they were able to found real letters and to send envelopes. >> host: professor matsumoto, you said 15,000 letters were sent by one girl. nisei were about to serve in the army, but otherwise interred. is that a fair assessment the situation for japanese-americans in world war ii? >> guest: yes, on the japanese-americans who lived in the western coastal states in the southern third of arizona were all incarcerated. during the war men were in fact recruited and drafted from the camp. so there are many, many ironies of the situation and there are many brave and who agreed to go in brave men who also resisted. so it is a very, very interesting and complex intense situation. >> host: when its effort to japanese-americans society carefully integrated into american society? >> guest: well, that's a really good question. do you believe american society is now fully in