didn’t hold the candle as a mistress, should have was to excuse him, as many said, and yuri mikhailovich churbanove husband of galina leonidovna brezhneva, this is of course wildness, i naturally asked yuri mikhailovich about boris, he... very irritably left this topic, that is, it is clear that he knew about his wife’s hobbies, but it was not, firstly, galina leonidovna’s only hobby, and secondly, it was not a fact that it had some kind of completely romantic, when i say romantic, i mean bed character, or maybe just her i liked the company and interesting, indisputably interesting companions, and with a sense of humor, with some common interests , i lived in the same house with yuri mikhailovich churbanov , before he became, in fact, that same churbanov, brezhnev’s husband, and i in general i was a schoolboy, i lived in house number 23 on the second novostankinskaya street, this is this house, this is a five-story building, what is called khrushchev, this is the second entrance where i lived, this is this entrance, churbanov, why do i actually remember my neighbor, well , first of all, he lived i