and one of your investors, yuri milner, says you are the world's first superstar actually, we view it as a huge responsibility. you can imagine a kid who in a village in africa or in a slum in calcutta who gets access to a low-cost phone or tablet device that in five or 10 years will be everywhere. i like to think that for every albert einstein we found, how many of them we didn't find. how many got squandered because they didn't learn to read, get an education, etc., etc.? imagine if we could increase by an order of magnitude, by a factor of 10, the number of albert einsteins in the world. the number of people who can do can cancer research. the number of people who can think about alternative energy. this could be a force multiplier like we have never seen. it is very exciting. emily: do you think videos can replace learning in a classroom? sal: i think if learning in a classroom is about information dissemination -- and some of the classrooms we grew up in was about that -- videos can do that. in some ways, it is more bite sized, it is more on demand. but i