press in the regional executive committee, oleg kozhemyako met with the head of the brest region, yuri shuleikoeaders of the regions. they emphasized that, despite the muffled distance, primorsky krai, the crack has good prospects for increasing cooperation yury shulegi added that the heads of brest and vladivostok are already making contacts, it is expected that an agreement on twinning of cities will be signed in the past tense, but the continuation of the visit, the delegation was visiting the enterprises of hephaestus-technique and the memorial complex. heroes of the brest fortress, where the guests paid tribute to the memory and respect of the defender of the citadel, who in the distant forty-first was one of the first to defend the then common motherland of the soviet union, the members of the delegation laid wreaths and flowers to the eternal flame and let's move on to the news to culture. now with pleasure a new educational project. the history in bindings has started the press and the gorky regional library is waiting for an exposition with reconstructions of hornbooks of wax tablets a