the protagonist of the picture, the tenderness of the coming beast, under the ready-made song of yuri vizborall my friend got. sanya, well, it’s easy to send another guy’s top under the sky. vizbor often sang in films himself and his low voice. it would seem that it was not at all that the singing voice penetrated the soul million people, but in the picture of vladimir menshov, moscow does not believe in tears, the artist did not manage to catch the line, his authorship was performed by another bar, sergey nikitin but the lyrical anthem of moscow from movie screens could sound like this alexandra alexandra this city became ours, we became it fate and look at the face and moscow about love about friendship about the war behind the songs of yuri lisbor were not fictitious stories of his own life. this is probably why his sincere texts were understandable to everyone, and simple melodies immediately scattered around the country and sounded in the most popular films, if i get sick to the doctors. berries friends, what is it? during his life, yuri vizbor wrote hundreds of songs, many sounded in t