committed a fatal accident that resulted in the death of an 18-year-old girl in this case regarding yuriy kvasapreme council of justice to open a proceeding to which she did not pay attention. this confirms and has consequences that the judge does not prosecute persons who were caught i drive to the point where people are literally killing other people, so yuriy kovbasa, instead of being punished for questionable decisions, received an honorable retirement, a one-time payment in the amount of three salaries and lifetime monthly payments which make up from 70 to 90% of a judge's salary. what is a resignation? it is actually an honorary one. why? because it is not just a termination of a judge's powers, it is a lifelong stipend, first of all, which sometimes reaches uah 100,000 or more, depending on the judge's salary at the last place of work. the title of a judge, the opportunity to participate in the judicial rescue of self-government, i.e., the opportunity to influence the judicial system in principle. that is , it is the most honorable history . a bill was registered in the verkhovna rada, w