give something of quality to the government, do you believe that such a reshuffle can happen, yuriy sverenkolly be considered as a replacement for shmyhal, well, shmyhal should be driven out a long time ago, i don’t even doubt it, it’s true, because the person fundamentally doesn’t want to do anything, pretends so that... nothing happens at all, well, i believe that there are promising candidates, chernyshov, for example, showed himself quite well when he was a minister, the mayors praise him, at least yes, who is currently engaged in oil and gas, we can at least see results there too , not this koboliv region, you know that in we have something going on somewhere, he is engaged in specific matters, drilling, drilling stars in the ground in order to extract gas, what should i do with oil and gas, fyodorov, and sveridenko, sveridenko is conscious enough for... politics is primarily carried out by support industrial parks, she already understands that it is necessary to invest in industry, support production, and this promotes, connects state banks , including and so on, well, i think that thi