the reconstruction project was developed by the minsk architects under the direction of yury trakhtenbergroup , a complex, hour-by-hour task was completed, not changing the very essence of the mound, the godly manu- mentality, and with this do not give respect to the hell of the significance and greatness. architects have carved out the most valuable materials, space and pylons. bytsam fingers khalavechay kіstsі yany attack the mound, brew up more developed in the parameters open up the kanstruktsy. vyshynya kozhnaga. the pole is 14 m, the temperature at the cold weather is 76 degrees. pylons - this is not just the same eye, eight five of these pilonas, yashche and ўyavlyayutsya their own lives, harmatas of peramogі, who can kill, harmats - this is only war, and from the other side you can see how bad it is, how warm it is , as a reminder to our children, to us, to our dzetsy, unuks and getam further. you, what you sculpt, are not a slave . sennya mound of immortality with navakolny parks sapraudnaya kampazitsyynaya daminanta of the river district of the city. u 2010 god, there were good-