then on may 5, they celebrated a day that many probably have not heard of, is considered a shepherd's holiday, after a long winter, on this first day, they drove the cows out to pasture, and in our village it was also customary, the fact that on this day the housewives planted cucumbers also said that there would be a very great harvest, it has been preserved with us to this day, the next one with us is trinity, they celebrated it, they chose the most beautiful young girl in the village, dressed her in maple leaves, in birch leaves and also went around the villages in small groups in the courtyards , they arranged rituals, that is, songs, dances, now in our village this, unfortunately, is not done, but in the pinsk region it is done in other villages. it was on trinity that girls told fortunes about marriage, threw wreaths on birch, and if the wreath caught on the tree, it means that this year the girl will get married, but if not, then you will have to wait. and of course, one of the most important days is easter, it was customary on palm sunday. not to