every american students should read one day in the life of yvonne misinich. that was the advice of paul oo of the wall street journal who said that short novel explain why we fought the cold war and why we won it. barry goldwater's the conscience of the conservative, the head of public policy and laid the foundation for all that is good and worthwhile in the modern conservative movement and i am happy to note that the american foundation agrees with his assessment and published the conscience of the conservative in 1990. maybe it's time for another edition. are you listening? let me add here the titles of a couple of my favorite books. the roots of american order by russell kirk. this is how five cities, athens, rome, gay jerusalem, london and philadelphia, shaped america. days gone by, william f. buckley jr. is a beautifully written autobiography by the founder of the american conservative movement. ethnic america pleaded no by thomas stole, our foremost black intellectual examines some of the ethnic groups, jewish, of rich, german, african-american, why som