yyu aggeee.. with the presiient's plan.../ to... withdraw.../ troopss...from iraq.../ this... year?sponning..// áájoináá... in...// at... faccbook dot com .../ ááandáá click on... the... "insiie fox45" tab.../ to... comment. the.../ first president... barack obama.../ jobs plln... fs fails since.../ his... half trillion pollar ...jobs plan.../ was... shot downn../// ááobamaáá... promiied... to... break it up. ../ and... send it... to lawmakers... in parts....//ááthháá senate killee a plan... o send $35 billion dollars.... to states... / to hire teachers... and first esponders..../ááitáá would... have been paid for.../ bb... a new tax... on milllonairrs. mcconnell says: "this is a &pproposal to raise taxes on order to send money down to states soothat they don't have to lay off state employees." employees." ... ásmallá decline... in... first time....jobless &pcllims... this week.../áádowná 6-thousand.../ to.../ 403- thoosand 3 republicans criticize vice president biden for his claim that rapes and murders willl climb if coogrees does not approve proposed aid for police and first resp