z. beera off of his municipality is occupied by goodness did not exist he did and came to this area and they never left. and that's a real problem for you isn't it whole communities of congolese have been driven out there have been skirmishes only if you don't was of course the congolese population have suffered serious consequences yet there are killings massacres kidnapping that's in it isn't it. before reaching rebel territory we stop at the zone commanders checkpoint it's guarded by the congolese army. good morning coming on the mill it's captain sorry captain of the soldiers a suspicious they're not completely in charge here. i don't know how far you going now we going as far as the mine. follow and joseph introduces us to the officer he's the only person who can give us a pass to let us go on. and. you know. a few kilometers of no man's land. pretty soon there's no one to be seen. the congolese are too afraid to come this far deep in the valley up to the bridge the land is controlled by the rebel militias but this is the last outpost of the congolese army. a handful of soldiers ho