z. tellarm. >> i appreciate your saying some, but unfortunately, it is a larger group than one would think. doctors tend to prescribe things that are a benefit for them. a surgeon is must more -- much more likely to suggest operating when radiation therapy might also be an option, for example. we really do have to question our doctors and actually ask them, "why do you suggest is a versus that?" and second opinions. patients need to get interested in their health care and do some reading about things are treated. by the way, even among doctors like myself, i think myself someone very interested in patients and very interested in the best interests of patients. i think i give better service when people in iraq and ask questions, but, yes, in the field that i practice and, medical oncology, and there are several stories in the book, where doctors a chemotherapy, and they would choose to give drugs where the mark up where they got paid was higher than other drugs that are equally as useful but they do not make as much money off of. you will see this happening a lot, even in dentistry. you wil