we gave memory to such children. the right great number of distinguished people, such as the zabnikaund there are at least a hundred of them, and more than a hundred of them, the region itself shows the developments, where 10 thousand people were laid here for the last century yes to our era, and yes to the time of our era land this month there are meetings... with an assemblage of excitement, where there are a lot of people lying here, the warriors of the 20th war, who were born in 1944 called zhabinka and the zhabinka district hell german fascist acupation. on this month, i was pressed by the 12th versary of 1982, about 40 years ago, at this day the memorial complex of dramlev was hidden, this extraordinary month, there were famous people here, not adzin, not dzyasyatak, 183. the lieutenants lived extraordinary lives. yes, on the morning of the 11th spring of 1942, the kali karnitskiy atrads arrived here and packed only ashes for themselves. 93 women, 90 men, from 103 va uzrosce hell of zero and 103 bastards, they knew their aposhni spachyn here, this crazy month great tragic and gr